Location for Life „for the love of perfection“

realitni projekt 2024

Grand Cru location

The Císařská vinice residential complex is located on the sunlit southern slope of Prague 5 on Císařka, not far from the famous Ladronka Leisure Park. Here you can fully enjoy the views and tranquillity of this location, which is also exceptional for its accessibility. In a few minutes you can stroll at Hradčany or tee off at the fairways of the Golf Club Praha – Motol. The location means everything for vineyards.

But Císařská vinice – “the Imperial Vineyard” – is a Grand Cru!


Miniškolka U Spiritky

http://www.uspiritky.cz 50.0769311,14.3679714

Základní škola a mateřská škola Bambinárium

http://www.bambinarium.eu 50.0738297,14.3590097

ZŠ a MŠ Praha 5 - Košíře, Weberova

http://www.zsweberova.cz/zs-a-ms-weberova-praha-5-kosire 50.0732308,14.3562222

Mateřská škola b fresh, s.r.o.

http://www.bfresh.cz 50.0814475,14.3658961

Speciální MŠ Sluníčko, Praha 5

http://www.mssslunicko.cz 50.0719375,14.3490819

Homolka relaxační centrum a bazén

http://www.centrumhomolka.cz 50.0743789,14.3543233

Obora Hvězda


Dětské hřiště Velký Břevnov


Park Ladronka


Contours Fitness pro ženy

http://www.contours.cz 50.0840644,14.3647128

Golf Club Praha

http://www.gcp.cz 50.0619125,14.3384647

Fakultní nemocnice v Motole

http://www.fnmotol.cz 50.0740167,14.3409881

Přírodní koupaliště Motol

http://www.koupalistemotol.cz 50.0695153,14.3376856

Motol Sport Park


Tenis centrum Petřiny

http://www.tenispetriny.cz 50.0877419,14.3486539

TH Equiclub

http://www.thequiclub.wz.cz 50.0842094,14.3437681

Lékárna Nemocnice Na Homolce

http://www.homolka.cz/cs-CZ/pacient/lekarna.html 50.0746575,14.3533317

Lékárna U Kaštanu

http://www.lekarnaukastanu.cz 50.0838586,14.3636417

Lékárna Pod Motolskou nemocnicí

http://www.plzenskalekarna.cz/lekarna-info/lekarna-pod-motolskou-nemocnici/?lekarnaId=47 50.0721817,14.3442506

ČEZ, Praha 6 - Vypich, Kaufland

http://www.elektromobilita.cz 50.0769958,14.3400658


http://www.omv.cz 50.0690344,14.3589114


http://www.kaufland.cz 50.0774231,14.3392706


http://www.billa.cz 50.0837556,14.3665506

Rozhledna Cibulka


Stomatologické oddělení - Nemocnice Na Homolce

http://www.homolka.cz/nase-oddeleni/11635-program-vseobecne-pece/11635-stomatologie-stom 50.075245,14.3541317

Stomapro s.r.o.

http://www.stomapro.cz 50.0705606,14.3713378

Nemocnice Motol ♿ Zastávka autobusu, stanice metra A


Petřiny ♿ Zastávka tramvaje, stanice metra A


Spiritka Zastávka autobusu


Kukulova Zastávka autobusu


U Ladronky Zastávka autobusu


Nemocnice Na Homolce Zastávka autobusu


Přírodní památka Skalka Chráněné území

repliche orologi italia 50.0713147,14.3648742

ŘÍZKÁRNA Restaurace a pohostinství

http://restaurace-rizkarna.cz 50.0741425,14.3684131

Usedlost Ladronka

http://www.ladronka.com 50.0787125,14.3567133

Starokošířská Hospoda

http://www.facebook.com/starokosirskahospoda 50.073635,14.3595467

Restaurace U Sousedů

http://www.usousedu.cz 50.0692939,14.3695525

Bernard PUB U Bílého Lva

http://www.u-bileholva.cz 50.0838281,14.3695603

Café & Bistro Kuzebauch Cukrárna, kavárna, čajovna

http://www.facebook.com/kuzebauch 50.0818825,14.3606672

Emilly café


Ústřední vojenská nemocnice

http://www.uvn.cz 50.0898056,14.3627833

Kavárna Do Větru

http://www.kafedovetru.cz 50.0880928,14.3527242

Klášter benediktinů Břevnov

http://www.brevnov.cz 50.0851269,14.3567703

ŠPAJZKA - farmářské potraviny

http://www.spajzka.eu 50.0842056,14.3727683

Inline dráha Ladronka

http://www.outfanatic.com 50.07904,14.3568789

Stadion Evžena Rošického


Dobrá svačina.cz


KAŠTAN - Scéna Unijazzu

http://kastan.unijazz.cz 50.0835572,14.3608131

Kino Dlabačov

http://www.dlabacov.cz 50.0858458,14.3802356
Grand Cru views

Grand Cru views

The Císařská vinice residential complex is located in a quiet area of Prague 5 on Císařka, just below the foot of the Ladronka Park. Almost all the apartments are south-facing and offer stunning views of the Motolský Park and the opposite Cibulka, which can be enjoyed thanks to large-format French windows (with triple glazing) and spacious balconies or terraces.



The nearby Ladronka Park is very popular among the locals and it serves both pedestrians and cyclists – and especially roller skaters. Various cultural events are held here, such as the Ladronkafest, the Witches at Ladronka (“Čarodějnice na Ladronce”) and others. And did you know that on the site of the nearby eponymous Ladronka Homestead, a wine squeezer was once established by the Emperor and Czech King Charles IV.?

Golf Club Praha

Golf Club Praha

Not far from Císařská vinice, the oldest golf club in Prague – the Golf Club Praha (founded in 1926) – is situated. Its nine-hole course is respected by golfers for its demanding and sporty profile. Enjoy the outdoors actively!

Discover the surroundings

Discover the surroundings

The location of Císařská vinice lies on the border of Prague 6 and Prague 5. Take a walk to the romantic Obora Hvězda Deer Park or to the nearby Břevnovský klášter Monastery, where you can taste the local cloister beer. On the side of Prague 5, you will discover the nearby Cibulka Lookout Tower or the beautiful Motolský Park.

Prague Castle and Malá Strana (the Lesser Town)

Prague Castle and Malá Strana (the Lesser Town)

If you decide to take a trip to the Prague Castle and to the Lesser Town, leave your car parked at home in a secure underground garage, as you can enjoy a beautiful, approximately three-kilometre-long walk. You are back in less than 20 minutes thanks to the good public transport connection.

Prague 5 – Anděl

Prague 5 – Anděl

The centre of Prague 5, Anděl at Smíchov, can be reached by car in a few minutes, or alternatively, thanks to the nearby tram or bus stop, in about 20 to 25 minutes. You will find shopping malls, restaurants, a cinema and full amenities here.